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The parameters that can be changed through the browser are as follows:

Camera Rotation
Euler angles for rotating the camera about the focal point.
Fractal Rotation
Euler angles for rotating the fractal about the origin.
A translation of the fractal applied before the camera is rotated
The parameter c in the map q2+c.
Focal Length
Distance from the camera to the image plane
Frustum Depth
Distance from the image plane to the far plane
This parameter determines the scaling matrix Sq discussed in section [*]. Sq scales the size of the frustum in quaternion space, so larger scaling values will make the fractal appear smaller.
The maximum number of iterations of the function to do. This parameter is generally kept rather low. This has the effect of tracing out a level set of equal potential. These so called level sets are much smoother than the actual fractal boundary, which in most cases is not even differentiable.
This parameter specifies the number of threads to use to fill the depth buffer.
This parameter specifies the number of seconds of inactivity required before the browser will refresh the rendering window at a higher resolution. A value of zero disables this feature.

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brian martin