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I implemented an interface with sliders that allows the user to change the parameters of the system and observe the results. The raycaster runs in a separate window and reflects the changes made to the parameters. Initially a low resolution pass is done, one ray being cast for every 4 pixels. After a user specified period of inactivity, a high resolution pass is done with 1 ray cast per pixel. This window may also be resized to change the resolution at which the fractal is rendered.

The browser also maintains a list of keyframes. Each keyframe contains all of the state associated with the fractal. A particular keyframe can be viewed by selecting it from the list. The state of each keyframe is also independent of the current state of the gui controls. The apply button applies the state of the selected keyframe to the gui, the grab button saves the state of the gui into the currently selected keyframe. There is also a duplicate button by which the user can create new keyframes. When the user is done selecting a set of keyframes, they can be saved to disk for the animator. Keyframes stored in this manner may also be loaded back into the browser for further refinement.

The Controls Window


The Rendering Window


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brian martin