Piracetam, also called nootropil, is the most commonly taken nootropic. It helps boost intelligence without being toxic or addictive. Being the first nootropic drug to be developed, it gave rise to this
whole new category of drugs. Piracetam is very similar in chemical
structure to the amino acid pyroglutamate, present in meat, vegetables,
fruits, and dairy products.
It is in the cerebral cortex that thought and reasoning are believed
to occur. Piracetam stimulates the cerebral cortex and increases the
rate of metabolism and energy level of brain cells. It does not have
the side effects associated with other stimulants. The primary clinical
use is to protect the brain from damage caused by hypoxia, which is
oxygen starvation, and to help recover from it. Brain cells can be
starved for oxygen by drinking too much alcohol, for example. Another
clinical use is stemming memory loss caused by physical injury and
chemical poisoning.
Piracetam seems to help step up the flow of messages between the two
hemispheres or halves of the brain, which is sometimes called the
interhemispheric flow of information. In fact, psychopharmacologist Dr.
Dimond said the brains of subjects who used piracetam seemed
"superconnected," which he attributed to an increased exchange between
Dean and Morgenthaler speculate that the increased communication
between right and left brains is associated with flashes of creativity. If
their hypothesis is correct, then piracetam not only improves memory and
ability to learn, but has the potential to enhance creativity as well.
Improved transfer between brain hemispheres occurs because piracetam
stimulates the cerebral cortex to increase production of a compound
called adenosine triphosphate (ATP) in the brain cells. The buildup and
breakdown of ATP produces energy in the cells. The amount of ATP that is
available to be turned into energy declines with aging. It is believed
that piracetam reverses this process by increasing the activity of the
enzyme that produces ATP.
According to Dean and Morgenthaler, piracetam may actually have a
regenerative effect on the nervous system. They point to a study by
Pitch, who found that piracetam improves brain functioning in mice by
increasing the number of cholinergic receptors in the brain.
Piracetam may improve learning by increasing the brain's ability to
synthesize new proteins. According to Pelton, author of Mind Foods and
Smart Pills, information or learning is encoded into the new proteins,
Researchers believe piracetam manufactures new proteins by stimulating
certain structures within the cells called polyribosomes. The specific
chain of events is complicated and beyond the scope of this book, but
the upshot of the research is that piracetam is a powerful nootropic that
seems to contribute to improved memory and learning through several
different types of chemical changes that it triggers in the brain.
Researchers studying performance have gotten positive results in tests
on both animals and humans using piracetam. Animals have been found to
learn faster and better when given piracetam. One group of rats consuming
piracetam were better able to avoid a small shock. Studies with human
volunteers by Dimond and Brewers and by Mindus found performance
improvements in students, young and healthy volunteers, and middle-aged
subjects suffering some memory loss, all of whom showed significant
improvements in memory and mental performance.
Research indicates that piracetam has a synergistic effect, such as
helping the individual remember things better, when taken with DMAE,
centrophenoxine, choline, Deaner, lecithin, or hydergine. Reports show
it works three to four times better when acetylcholine-enhancing
nutrients or drugs are used.
Piracetam is especially effective in enhancing memory when used with
choline. Dr. Pelton asserts that combining the nutrient choline and the
drug piracetam "may be the most potent memory-enhancing therapy yet
discovered." Studies suggest that when taken in combination, the two
substances are much more effective both in improving memory and in
preventing the mental decline that comes with aging than when either
substance is used by itself.
Dr. Raymond Bartus showed this remarkable effect in a study on rats.
A subject rat was shocked, then after twenty-four hours returned to the
same dark chamber where it was shocked again. Whereas older rats are
worse at remembering the shock than younger rats, Bartus found that when
given choline plus piracetam the rats, both young and old, were
significantly better at remembering and so waited longer to enter the
chamber and get shocked. Impressed by these findings with rats, Ferris
and some associates at NYU's psychiatry department tried a similar
experiment on humans suffering from Alzheimer's disease. They found a
tremendous increase in memory as shown by their scores on a verbal
memory test when the two substances were used together. Performance on
one test went up 70percent in subjects taking piracetam plus choline.
Researchers now believe that choline is an important substance to
use with any of the nootropic drugs. The theory is that nootropics
stimulate the cholinergic neurons, which are the cells in the brain that
produce the neurotransmitter acetylcholine, which promotes thought and
memory. When this happens, the level of choline in the cell is reduced.
The faster the neuron fires and/or the lower the amount of choline in
the cells, the more the choline is depleted. When the supply gets too
low, the cholinergic neuron will break down its own membrane to obtain
the choline it needs to make more acetylcholine. Consuming its own
membrane is known as autocannibalism and will eventually kill the cell
if it continues. Taking choline, however, increases the choline level,
and the cells continue to make the necessary acetylcholine without
consuming their own membrane.
In any case, the research indicates that either by itself or with
choline, piracetam is one of the most effective nootropic drugs in its
impact on memory and learning. People generally take 800 to 1,600 mg. of
piracetam a day. They often begin with a higher dose, of 1,200 to 2,400
mg., taken in the early part of the day for the first two days, and then
lower the dose thereafter. It is not toxic and has no contraindications.
However, Dean and Morgenthaler do report that it can sometime increase
the effects of amphetamines, psychotropics, and hydergine. Piracetam is
most easily obtained over the counter in Mexico and in various European
countries. Sometimes it can be obtained through the mail from an
off-shore pharmacy.