Vitamin C, or ascorbic acid, is an antioxidant and a substance used in
manufacturing neurotransmitters and nerve cells. Vitamin C has Probably
gotten its greatest boost to fame from Dr. Linus Pauling, who claims it
can prevent the common cold. However, it does much more-so much, in fact,
that Durk Pearson and Sandy Shaw regard vitamin C as a kind of miracle
drug. Dr. Ross Pelton, author of Mind Foods and Smart Pills, supports
this opinion.
Vitamin C stimulates the immune system, enabling one to better resist
diseases. Terminal cancer patients taking megadoses of vitamin C live
longer. It promotes faster wound healing and reduces the amount of
cholesterol in the blood. It is a powerful detoxifier and protects
against the destructive power of many pollutants. In addition, it
protects against heart and blood diseases, reduces anxiety, promotes
sleep, and is a natural antihistamine.
We are dependent on vitamin C from outside sources, because the body
can't manufacture it. A severe deficiency causes scurvy, and eventually
death. Mann points out in Secrets of Life Extension that although only a
little vitamin C is needed to prevent scurvy, much more is needed for
optimal health. The RDA of vitamin C is 45 mg. each day, which is just
enough to Prevent scurvy. Mann points out that research by the Committee
on Animal Nutrition shows that a monkey needs 55 mg. of vitamin C per
kilogram of body weight. When this measure is extrapolated to humans, a
150-pound person would need 3,850 mg. of vitamin C each day. Mann blasts
the attitude of the medical establishment that sets its standards at the
minimum level needed to prevent deficiency.
Most importantly for the subject of this book, vitamin C is a key
player in the better-brain sweepstakes. It increases mental alertness and
functioning in a variety of ways.
Vitamin C is the main antioxidant that circulates in the blood When
available in sufficient quantity, blood carries it around the body,
washing over the cells to create a bath of protection. Like a martyr for
a good cause, whenever a free radical turns up, a molecule of vitamin C
gives up one of its own electrons to render the free radical ineffective,
like a soldier neutralizing an enemy. According to Pelton, the battle
between vitamin C and free radicals goes on repeatedly, maybe more than
100,000 or a million times a second, depending on the body's level of
metabolism and the amount of vitamin C. The higher the metabolism rate
and the more vitamin C, the more pitched the battle and the more radicals
destroyed. Unfortunately, with each radical decimated, a molecule of
vitamin C is lost, so the body rapidly loses its supply of vitamin C. But
it's for a good cause, for with each C molecule lost, a cell is saved.
This process works, because the vitamin C operates like a kind of pump
that Dr. Pelton calls the "vitamin-C pump" to clean up the cerebrospinal
fluids surrounding the brain and spinal cord. The central nervous system
has more unsaturated fats than any other organ in the body, making it
more vulnerable to attack by free radicals and oxidation. The vitamin-C
pump removes vitamin C from the blood as it circulates to increase the
amount of vitamin C in the cerebrospinal fluid ten times. The pump then
takes the concentrated vitamin C from the cerebrospinal fluid, and
concentrates it tenfold again in the nerve cells around the brain and
spinal cord. Pelton says that the vitamin-C bath that protects the brain
and spinal cord cells has more than a hundred times as much vitamin C as
the other normal body fluids. Like an attacking army the concentrated
vitamin C goes after the free radicals threatening to damage nerve cells.
The result is akin to a blood bath -- though perhaps it's more
appropriate to describe this as a "vitamin-C bath" -- in which the
vitamin-C soldiers lay down their lives for each free radical destroyed
in their attack.
Vitamin C protects against the damaging effects of toxins consumed
during smoking and drinking, including nicotine, carbon monoxide,
nitrogen oxides and nitric acid gas, cadmium, acetaldehaye, polynuclear
aromatic hydrocarbons, and N-nitroso compounds. Research has demonstrated
that vitamin C destroys toxic substances, much in the same way that it
combats the free radicals. A molecule of vitamin C gives up the ghost each
time a toxic molecule bites the dust. Because this battle against toxins
reduces the level of vitamin C, smokers and alcohol drinkers normally have
much lower amounts of vitamin C in their blood serum than do those who
don't smoke or drink. If you drink or smoke too much, taking extra
vitamin C will help protect you from the damaging effects of the toxins
associated with your indulgences, including the kind of muddled and
confused thinking that can come from drinking too much.
Another important benefit of vitamin C is its contribution to the
proper production and release of several important neurotransmitters in
the brain, including dopamine and norepinephrine (also referred to
collectively as catecholamine production and release).
Research has shown that vitamin C increases mental thinking ability
and intelligence. For example, it was learned that geriatric patients in
a British hospital who were experiencing mental confusion didn't have
enough vitamin C. When given vitamin-C supplements, they improved
dramatically. In another study, students with higher vitamin-C levels
scored, on the average, five points higher on I.Q. tests than did
students with lower levels of vitamin C. When the students with the low
vitamin-C levels were given vitamin-C supplements, their average I.Q.
scores went up almost four points, showing the power of vitamin C to
improve intelligence.
Green vegetables such as broccoli, spinach, kale, brussel sprouts,
cabbage, collards, and mustard greens have high vitamin-C content. Other
sources of vitamin C include citrus fruits, pineapples, mangoes, and
papaya. Nonetheless, research indicates that most people don't get enough
vitamin C from diet alone. Generally, health practitioners concerned
about nutrition recommend about 1,000 to 3,000 mg. per day of vitamin C,
but most Americans get only about 50 mg. a day. Thus, supplements are
usually recommended for the best health and protection from the potential
damages to neurotransmitters by free radicals. Mann claims that very high
doses of vitamin C can prolong life, delay wrinkling, ward off senility,
and prolong youthful vigor.
Supplements are available in a variety of forms. Most common are
regular and timed-release tablets. Vitamin C is also available in
chewable tablets and powder form. The advantage of using the bulk powder
is the inexpensive price. However, the powder is difficult to store,
because when exposed to air, the ascorbic acid oxidizes to form a toxic
substance called dehydroascorbate. Thus, it's important to mix powdered
vitamin C fresh each time.
People with sensitive stomachs can have problems taking vitamin C in
pills, which dissolve slowly while concentrating acid in the stomach.
Powdered vitamin C can be a good alternative. It can be used as a lemon
or vinegar substitute, and sprinkled on fish, vegetables, and salads. Or
it can be dissolved in a glass of water to make a thirst quenching drink.
Vitamin C is available in a variety of preparations. Ascorbic acid,
the acidic form, is the most common. Less acidic preparations, calcium
ascorbate and sodium ascorbate, are also available. The fat-soluble form
of vitamin C, ascorbyl palmitate, is more effective than water-soluble
forms as an antioxidant in preventing the peroxidation of lipids and in
protecting the heart, brain, and central nervous system from free
radicals, Like many other vitamins, vitamin C is available in both
natural and synthetic forms. According to Pelton, with the exception of
vitamin E, most synthetic vitamins are as effective as the natural ones,
and they are cheaper.
Researchers have found that a group of compounds called rutins and
bioflavonoids or vitamin P are produced along with vitamin C in nature
and increase the effectiveness of vitamin C. Taking the two substances
together is generally recommended.
Vitamin C is considered to be very safe, even when taken in high
doses of 1,000 to 3,000 mg. daily, which is well above the government
RDA of 45 to 60 mg. daily. Vitamin C is safe even in very high doses of
10,000 mg. In fact, vitamin C encourages the production of other enzymes
that use vitamin C; so the body can use the extra vitamin C that becomes
available. Beyond a certain point, taking extra vitamin C probably won't
make much difference in body or mental functioning.
Signs of vitamin C deficiency are bleeding gums and easy bruising.
Fatigue, mental sluggishness, depression, low resistance to flus and
colds, and slow healing may also signal a deficiency.
Signs of vitamin C saturation include gastritis, gas, and diarrhea,
and are relatively minor. These are temporary and can be controlled by
reducing the dosage. People taking vitamin C in large doses regularly
and who wish to stop should do so gradually over a week or two. Stopping
abruptly can lead to lowered resistance until the body adjusts to the
lower amounts of vitamin C available.